Seven Ways to Remove Stretch Mark as a Girl

Every girl will agree that Stretch Marks are a nightmare. 

Whilst that is true to an extent, it is also our skin’s manner of adapting to being stretched past its elasticity limit. This stretch can be as a result of pregnancy, but then it can also be as a result of rapid puberty, sudden weight gain, and/or loss, and workouts. 

Either way, they can be a menace. This article highlights 7 ways to remove stretch marks as a girl, highlighting all manners possible from preventive measures to natural methods and even scientific methods.

Seven Ways to Remove Stretch Marks as A Girl

Remove Stretch Mark

1. Prevention is always better than cure: If you do not already have one, chances are you just might, because 99% of girls do. What you would go to do in this case is to drastically reduce your chances of getting them through the following methods:

  • Moisturize. Feed your skin deep with a lot of moisture, be generous.
  • Avoid sudden weight gain or loss. 
  • Maintain a healthy diet.

2. Pay a visit to your dermatologist: Dermatologists aren’t just there to sit pretty, they exist solely for your skin problems! Talk to one about your stretch mark concerns and how you came across them. A Stretch Mark removal cream will be recommended for you. 

Picking just anyone up at the pharmacy isn’t always the best idea because your skin could ill react to the product.

3. Go for Light Therapy: Intense Pulsed Light Therapy is gaining popularity this day because it works. The skin is exposed to infrared rays to boost the presence of collagen in the skin cells.

While the second and third options may pose side effects, you can always try out natural methods. These methods often take a lot of time, commitment, and patience, but are sure to pay off eventually.

4. Bathe Yourself in Goat Milk Occasionally: Egyptian princesses were said to bathe in goat milk and as a result, their skins were flawless. The vitamin present in goat milk will nourish your skin and restore it to its initial flawless state.

5. Aloe Vera: The aloe vera gel is a lifesaver and has multiple uses. One of its uses includes a natural method to get rid of Stretch Marks. Rub the gel onto the affected areas in a circular motion for ten minutes, leave it on for twenty minutes, and wash away using warm water. Do this for three to six months.

6. Cocoa Butter: Cocoa butter, just like aloe vera has multiple uses. You may want to substitute this for your regular lotion until your Stretch Marks are all faded away. However, this product works best at night.

7. Cucumber and Lemon Juice: Mix two equal parts of Cucumber and Lemon Juice. Rub into the skin in a circular motion, leave on for ten minutes before washing away with warm water. This should be done consistently for three to six months.

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Above are seven different ways you can get rid of stretch marks. I would recommend the natural methods because not only do they have no side effects, they are also pocket friendly. Remember to love your skin regardless!