Should You Get Married on a Weekend or a Weekday? Here are Some Pros and Cons

It’s true that planning a wedding is the process of facing one challenge after the other. While most couples dedicate a lot of time to dress-shopping and picking the perfect bridal jewelry, they often forget to pick the wedding date on time. Even if you’re a little late in dress shopping or buying the wedding rings, there are a lot of online options like EraGem  to help you out. However, if you delay picking the date, you may lose some of your best options. Picking the perfect venue is important, but what’s even more important is choosing the right day for marriage. While Saturday weddings are the norm and what people generally expect, it’s not compulsory for everyone to have a weekend wedding only. Sure, there are many benefits to weekend weddings but same is true for weekday weddings too. Here are some pros and cons to both the options.

Budget Considerations


If you’re conscious of your budget or want a low-budget affair, a weekday wedding is the most polite way of reducing the wedding costs without hurting anyone. Weekdays are never easy for anyone to skip and most people won’t be able to skip work to attend a wedding. Of course, those who are important to you would be there no matter the day. And that’s what counts the most, right? However, if budget is not a constraint for you, a weekend wedding would mean more people would be able to attend and you can truly enjoy the celebration with family and friends!

Availability of Vendors

Another factor that affects the wedding date is the venue. Most venues and other vendors like food, cake, etc. are not available on weekdays. And if you have a particular venue in mind, you may want to inquire their availability before setting a date. Weekdays would mean less public and this can mean lower prices for most venues. In contrast, the prices for venue, food, cake, etc. is usually high in weekends due to high demand. However, you should decide what you want and what suits both your needs and the budget before settling on a day.

Convenience of Guests

Convenience of Guests

Weddings are not just for the bride and groom. They are a celebration that you enjoy with all your family and friends. However, it does depend from person to person how large an affair they want it to be. If you’re among those who prefer a festive and hopping wedding party, you might want a weekend affair. But if you prefer a smaller affair with less people, weekdays are a good option. Most guests find it difficult to get out during the weekday while weekends are often preferred by the guests,. You should keep that in mind before setting a wedding date.

Wedding Atmosphere

Wedding festivities are most memorable when the guests have a good time. Weekends are often considered the best times for weddings for this reason. Most guests have weekends off and can truly enjoy the wedding as they can sleep off their hangovers on Sunday and get back to work the next week. However, even in weekday weddings, if you want the atmosphere to be festive and relaxed, you should try to keep the wedding at a later time of the day so that guests can still go to work and then attend your celebration.

There are many pros and cons to both weekday and weekend weddings. However, selecting a wedding date depends a lot on your personal choice and the availability of other resources. It’s better to have a long discussion with your family and consider all options before finalizing anthing.