4 Ways You Can Get to Know USC via Campus Tour

The best way to know about a school is to experience it first-hand. You can visit the school to see the facilities without coordinating with the admissions office. But there will be some limitation to the information you can gather if you do it yourself.

Good thing you can book a USC campus tour. This way, you can be properly guided in your exploration and discovery of one of the most heralded universities in the US.

USC or The University of Southern California is a private research university located in Los Angeles, CA. It was founded in 1880, and considered as one of the oldest research universities. Over 20,000 students enrolled in USC for the school year 2018 to 2019. Apart from that, they also have professional and graduate students in various programs.

The tour packages in USC are designed to inform and give the visitor or future students a thorough understanding of what USC has to offer.

Guided On-Campus Tours

This is for prospective students who want to enroll in USC. Guided on-campus tours are beneficial for high school juniors, seniors, and their families.

The tour will last for a little over three hours. It will include an admission presentation, campus walking tour (which will be led by a USC student), and choice of academic department information.
Guided On-Campus Tours
This USC campus tour will greatly aid the decision of the student who is enrolling in the university.

Campus Walking Tour

A walking tour is a program that suits prospective students who have yet to decide on enrolling but want a quick overview of what USC has to offer.

The ideal size of the group in this tour would be no more than five individuals as the facilitators would want to address all questions quickly and directly.

Topics discussed in this tour include undergraduate admission and financial aid.

Open-House Tour

This is a program for the general public. This whole day event can give the family a glimpse of life in USC.

The participants can meet with academic and admissions department representatives. They can also attend student panels to learn more about the campus.

Self-Guided Tour

USC retains the value in discovering something for yourself, which is why it has a set program for the independent soul who wants to learn about the school in their way.
Self-Guided Tour
You can download a brochure from the website. This will help you map out your tour of the campus.

Bonus: Virtual Campus Tour

If you don’t have time to go to the campus, you can opt for a virtual tour. This is great for students and their family to have an in-depth look inside the school but doesn’t currently have the means to visit the campus itself.

See the university from the comfort of your home through this tour. The good thing about this is that a real USC student does the tour so you can get real-world experience in the video.

The video will explain life on the campus. It will also include the places to visit in USC and student interviews.

The information above is available all the time and on-demand. See for yourself a day in the life of USC and important information that can affect and guide you on your decision.

If you’re interested in enrolling at USC, there are many ways to learn about the campus. It is also a great idea to ask someone who is currently enrolled or someone who graduated from this school. This way, you can gather enough information to help you decide.